Finding the Artist Within

Every artist struggles within himself to find his voice. Be they a writer, a painter, or a filmmaker; their voices lie deep within them -- a fossil hidden within rock. And as the archeologist must break away earth to find the beauty within, so must the artist. This is never easy, always painstaking, and many times never accomplished with success. The problem is different for each artist. We are all unique, and must determine by ourselves the best approach for success over our internal conflict. The problems are many: do I obey the rules or break them? which one's do I break? should I imitate those who inspire me? do I have an original bone in my body? is this worth doing? Is it worth doing? That's the stumbling block for most artists who seem to have forgotten why they loved their art to begin with. Perhaps, after trying to make ends meat with their talents, they became burnt out, ashamed of how they commercialized their skills. Or perhaps some lost their passion after...